PADI Five Star Membership – Additional Business Benefits

All members of the PADI Retailer and Resort Associations enjoy a wide range of business benefits, however Five Star members, as true PADI specialists and committed supporters of the PADI brand, have a range of additional benefits available as befits their particular status and position as PADI ambassadors.

One such benefit is the premium positioning given to Five Star members within all our promotions, including a number of special promotions which have been created over the last couple of years to take advantage of dedicated, promotion-specific searchable maps. We have also been active in gearing promotions specifically aligned with premium dive shows, boat shows and other similar events; these promotions have been particularly effective, as they add an element of “instant win” and are usually supported by additional collateral, prize draws and other engagement tools, all specifically geared to drive immediate enquiry and participation during the event.

New and existing divers have been attracted to these promotions due to the ease with which they can find participating PADI members and, since most of these promotions are limited to 100% PADI centres to ensure there is no confusion over the centre’s offerings when people respond to PADI’s extensive mailings and other contacts. In these situations, the Five Star membership positioning becomes even more important, as many divers’ preference for a PADI specialist centre will be met by all participating centres, so the Five Star branding elevates a centre’s profile and asks an important question in the browser’s mind; “what makes this centre different?”

PADI publishes statements across a wide range of media which can answer that question, and indeed it is one I have enjoyed answering with greater frequency than almost any other regular enquiry over my 20 years serving PADI members.

Even better, though, is when the prospective customer asks you directly; there’s no better opening for you and your staff to explain what equipment, experiences and educational opportunities you offer, and how you can help the enquirer see for themselves why your business is the best.

If you would like more information on the benefits of PADI Five Star membership, and how you can add PADI Five Star membership to your business credentials, contact your local PADI member support office today!

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