Anonio Husadel
Soft Coral Arch Palau
Dive with Fish ‘n Fins Dive shop and stay at Palau Pacific Resort at incredible SPECIAL rate of $1650 per person!
5 days diving of 2 tanks per day (option to add more dives) with Fish ‘n Fins dive shop.
7 nights stay at Palau Pacific Resort, double occupancy, including breakfast and room tax.
Airport transfers included, pick up by van or by boat at the dock. Weights, tanks, lunch and drinks are included.
Price $1650
Package Validity – Start Date Apr 1st, 2016
Package Validity – End Date Jul 15th, 2016
Travel must be booked by Jul 5th, 2016
Website www.fishnfins.com
Booking Email Address info@fishnfins.com
Booking Telephone +680-488-2637